Файлы обновления прошивки для Deye SUN-5K-SGO3LP1-EU, полученные от поддержки.
I'll slaughter the world
Файлы обновления прошивки для Deye SUN-5K-SGO3LP1-EU, полученные от поддержки.
Somehow I didn’t immediately understand this, but somehow it’s quite simple, but not obvious from the start.
If you need to add a field in a scope, but in such a way that it does not affect other selections or does not select only this field, you can do this:
public static function scopeAddCustom(Builder $query): Builder { return $query->select($query->getQuery()->columns ?? '*') ->addSelect(new Expression('TRUE as custom')); }
I decided to make a post on an old blog to test one theory. I noticed that the page with the project on Github is not in the Google index.
I made a component a while ago for MS Teams Cards. Maybe it will be useful to someone else.
yii2 component for Microsoft Teams Message Card and Adaptive Cart